The Firmware is still beta but official released, please check this page weekly for a stable release candidate to avoid trouble with functions and calibration.

User Manual:

tbd. by BC



new beta including vintage presets

you need to reset preset banks and settings after uploading the new firmware in ISE-NIN.

if you still have the old beta, you have to install again both files with ST-link  and you need to reset preset banks and settings after uploading the new firmware in ISE-NIN.


1.0b beta :  that’s an beta version, install both files on the devices, start with 1.0b1 and install 1.0b2

In this beta are no presets available !



September 2022

0.4/0.7 in current test for beta not released for customers (tested by Patrick)

Firmware Installation

The latest Firmware is on a separate page : ISE-NIN Manuals and Firmware

Instructions for Flashing

• Connect STM LINK to the Motherboard with the ribbon cable from the programmer and connect the STlink programmer with your Mac or PC

• Turn ISENIN on

• Open STM Cube Programmer  or ST LINK utility (cube programmer is the latest software, but STlink utility is fine too and often better)

• Select ST-Link, select connect (which reads the ISE-NIN uC memory)

• Select erasing and programming button (in STlink utility its "program & verify)

• Browse select ISENIN 1.0b-1.hex file from your pc/Mac. -   Start programming ***
• Repeat the procedure described above and select ISENIN 1.0b-2.hex     Start programming as before (program and verify)

***you don't need to restart the ISE-NIN after first programming step, in case the ST-LINK tool hangs, just reconnect the USB cable.

Disconnect and restart ISE-NIN its important to remove the Programmer from the ribbon cable - or the device will not start !! 

1.x → wait

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